Thursday, September 18, 2008

I wonder if there's a hole in my stomach

I was stuck yesterday with a heck of a migraine and nothing to take. I'm not on a daily med right now and had no medication to arrest the headache.

So, I'm just wondering if my homemade (read: desperation) remedy of One (1) 800 mg Ibuprofen, Two (2) Excedrin Migraine, Four (4) aspirin and One (1) Robaxin that Todd was prescribed for his shoulder, in addition to an aromatherapy bath - capped off by a freezing water head rinse and about a gallon of water to drink will have any lasting effects on me...?

1 comment:

donna manning said...

Feeling your pain (no pun intended). I know well that feeling of desperation when you know that you don't have a single dose of Zomig.
Hope you are better. Love the post about perseverance.
Love you,