Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Are glue guns so 1997?

I'm not sure.

I rediscovered and re-fell-in-love with my glue gun tonight when for the eleventy-hundredth time the kids ripped the rope trim off of the ottoman tray. Okay kids, it was funny the first few times, but now it's not so funny anymore.

Anyway, it occurred to me as I blew the 6-inch thick layer of dust off of my glue gun that they are damn handy and should not be relegated to the garage all of the time...

That's all.


Mom2Girls said...

Shoot, I couldn't live without helps with my bows and basiclly everything else ;)

carrhop said...

I love my glue gun--it's never too far away--let's just say, the sewing machine takes too long to set up....just saying (yep, I've even hemmed with it....)