Sunday, July 29, 2007

More than a pretty face

This is pretty cool. Todd sister Courtney is married to Erik. This article is about his sister, Anja. She's cool in so many ways, but first and foremost because her life's work is dedicated to pediatric AIDS. Amazing, inspiring woman!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I got my hair did

Yep, I got my hair did. Picture Diane Sawyer, more mullet-ish with some I can't identify this fluff on one side.


It pretty much sucks and it was expensive. My girl, Lauren, who I normally love, really sucked it up this time. I was pretty specific but I think she had her own ideas. Further validating that my life is just a series of one bad hairdo after another. Unfortunately I'm going to have to find someone to fix what she did and that means that it's even going to be shorter. I like short hair, but this sets in motion one of my biggest biggest pet peeves...when women get a "short, easy do" - BLECH!

I will post a real picture when I figure how to capture the true essence of my awesomeness, but for now I leave you with what I wanted...and what I got. Enjoy!

What I wanted (little longer)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

What I got...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

3 months

WOW is all I can say. The little one is 3 months today! Where has the time gone? It's flying by so fast - so fast in fact I have actually contemplated having a 3rd...then Todd smacked me in the head to bring me back to reality! Those that know me know that I was a dedicated ONLY CHILD MAMA for the last 4 years - so the very fact that I have 2 children is a miraculous feat in and of itself...Thank the Lord for his plans :-)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Overheard at my house

TKW: Pop, did you know that Jesus is dead?
Pop: Yeah, Ty, I know that Jesus is dead?
TKW: Yeah, he died on this cross (holding up my cross necklace that he's now wearing)
Pop: Well, not that exact cross
TKW: Yeah, what?
Pop: Not that exact cross...that would have been a tiny little Jesus.

Friday, July 13, 2007


My favorite radio station does "Flush the Format" every Friday morning where they just take crazy requests and literally flush their format at 6:00 am. It's fun because you get to hear songs that you haven't heard in a long time and it gives you new ideas for songs to go download, etc. Well this morning I got a memory jog, blast from the past and I have to give a SHOUT OUT to my FAVORITE, ADORABLE, you know who you are cousin, JENNY!!!

"Y'all gon' make me lose my mind up in HERE, up in here
Y'all gon' make me go all out up in here, up in here

Y'all gon' make me act a FOOL up in HERE, up in here
Y'all gon' make me lose my cool up in here, up in here"
(DMX, Party Up)

EVERY time I hear this song I think of Jenny, on the bar, throwing down to DMX at my bachelorette party so many years ago (6 this year!). This song is part of my workout mix (along with some other unexpected tunes for this 35 year old mom - rap and working out go good together!) It was a tame, but hilarious and fun moment for me to have with someone that I have know since she was born. Love you bunches ""chicken"!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sleep is for losers

Well, for the second night in a row the little one has had some trouble making it work through the night. We have not spoken aloud of our tremendous luck that he has been sleeping through the night at 9 weeks because we didn't want to jinx it. So we just didn't speak of it. But now that it's temporarily over I feel safe talking about it. I feel so bad that I didn't take better advantage of those blissful 3 weeks of him having that 8:30 nightly bath, 8:45 nightly bottle and drifting off to sleep in my arms making his sweet little baby noises, smelling of baby lotion and miracles and dreaming all night in his aquarium swing and not peeping again until 5:30 or 6:30 a.m. How foolish of us to not be in bed every night by 9:00. Lesson matter now cute they are, never trust a baby. :-) I guess we'll sleep when we are dead.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Oh No You Dit'n!

I left an apple on my side table at my desk over the weekend and there were some bites missing this morning. I jokingly mentioned to my coworkers how weird that was that there were bites missing - as in roaches can't take bites that big, hahaha. "No", they said "Rats can."

Saturday, July 7, 2007

That's Right (You're Not From Texas)

"You say you're not from Texas
Man as if I couldn't tell
You think you pull your boots on right
And wear your hat so well

So pardon me my laughter
'Cause I sure do understand
Even Moses go excited
When he saw the Promised Land

That's right you're not from Texas
...but Texas wants you anyway"

(Lyle Lovett and His Large Band)

There are a few things that every child born in Texas knows the second he gasps his first breath of Texas air (no matter where he was conceived or where his parents come from).

1. Remember the Alamo
2. The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas
3. The state flag of Texas is the only state flag that can fly at the same height as the flag of the United States of America
4. Guuunnnnns

I took Tiki to Dick's the other days for some errands and we happened to be near the hunting/fishing section of Dick's. The real guns are locked in a cabinet, but the pellet, paint ball and some other types of guns that are sold in your basic plastic shrink wrap packaging are displayed on the end caps of the aisles. I can only assume they are not dangerous guns since they are wrapped in plastic (ha ha). I happened to be looking at goggles for Tiki and could see him at the end of the aisle looking at the climbing wall and the next thing I see is him coming back down the aisle holding a shrink wrapped package of a pistol of some sort and another larger gun (it was a set :-)). He sat right down in the middle of the goggle aisle to more closely examine the guuuunnnns and got near enough to me to make sure I was able to answer any important questions he might have regarding the guuuuunnnnnns. Such as...

1. Can I buy these?
2. How much are they?
3. Can I use my own money?
4. How about when I grow up?
5. Can I use daddy's money today then?
6. Are these bullets?
7. Can we look at the other guuuuunnnns?
8. Can I show those boys "my" guuuunnnns?

Sweet! That's my 4 year old...

That's right, you're not from Texas, but Texas wants you anyway. :-)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Overheard at my house

"I pledge allegiance
to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic
for witches dance,
one nation,
under God,
with liberty
and justice for all."

It's America - let all the witches dance!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Dilemma of the day

Nothing and everything to do with kiddos

Now that we have decided that two kids are enough - we each have our own to hold in the family photos - it's time to get S-E-R-I-O-U-S about losing this baby weight. It's been 10 weeks and it's really starting to look unsightly. My tailbone still hurts so bad I want to smack someone every time I have to sit on a hard surface, so that's been my excuse for not really throwing myself into physical fitness, but I really want to get this off quickly because, well, I am 35 and we all know what happens when you turn die shortly after.

So, anyway...yesterday on the way home from my parents house we stopped by the new Lifetime Fitness in our neighborhood to check it out since they have great swimming facilities. On the tour, the sales advisor was walking me around the classes upstairs and happened to sidestep me in front of the mirrors and horror of all horrors - I got a glimpse of myself in the dreaded gym mirrors. I could not believe how seriously big I look or am - one or the other or both. I was surprised since my trusty home mirror says to me every day "GIRL - you lost 30 lbs - now you still have about 35 more to go it's true, BUT a size 24 looks good on ya! You gon' be turnin' heads ta-day". And I leave the house feeling remarkably good about myself. :-)

The gym was great. Kyle was kind enough to leave a guest pass at the front desk so that I can go tonight and swim and huff my way through a spinning class (wait for it - NO!) and see if I like the facility- which I'm sure I will (anywhere with 5 dedicated lap lanes is good enough for big mama). So, now just got to find a suit, goggles, cap to protect my highlights (they are all I have right now) and a good, healthy dose of humility to swallow the pain the cellulite causes to the pride and I'm all SET!!!!!

Don't we all have a little?

Mama: noun
1: mother
2: slang: wife,woman

3a:a state, situation, or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces b:dramatic state, effect, or quality

The following are the unbelievable, yet true stories of a family of 4 (and one dog scared of storms and fireworks) and how they manage to survive these *highly dramatic events* of every day life...