Monday, September 15, 2008

And lastly...

Dear Wealthy Retired Golfer and wife:

If you are in your personalized cart - in the school zone - during afternoon dismissal - and you see me in my big vehicle bearing down on you - while yelling at my 5 year old in the backseat - don't keep going and shake your head at me like I was wrong when I don't stop for you to cross the school driveway.

It won't be so funny after I've hit you.

P.S. School dismisses at 3:45 EACH WEEKDAY. I'm there all of them. My son gets daily notes so I'm likely to be repeating today's scene every day. Watch out for me.

Love ya!


Debra Owen said...

You crack me up! But no kidding people really have to get a grip sometimes and come out of their cocoons called their world. Wow!

carrhop said...

So here's the business idea--you know all those templates Microsoft Word has of business correspondence? So, I'm thinking you could offer these as school pick-up correspondence and then we could just print 'em off and leave them on the windshields of said golf golf carts have windshields?


Mom2Girls said...

LOL - I think you get at least 20 points each!!