Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's a GIRL!

At least according to TK.

I dropped TK off at school this morning and his teacher Ms. Ashley spotted me. She gave me "the look". That's usually the "I need to talk to you" followed by "TK did such and such to so and so" look. So I'm always nervous.

So she came over with that weird smile on her face and got really close, spoke really softly and said

"Are you pregnant?"

I was like "NO!" "Are you?"

"Yes. But TK told me you were, too. He said that you were pregnant and that y'all already knew what you were having and it was a girl and everyone is so excited".

Where did he come from? For real...

I must admit that I'm not surprised since about 4 months ago he saw an episode of Aurthur where Binky's parents adopted a baby girl from China. I spent the next month assuring classmates mother's that we were NOT adopting a baby from China...

A mind like a steel trap, that one... and an imagination that can't be measured. I'm proud and all, but can it just stop involving me being pregnant or raising another baby? Seriously.

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