Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hey Tracy

"Hey Tracy!"

Something I hear at least 20 times per day. And it doesn't phase me one bit. Unless the voice is pre-pubescent and coming from a child in TK's class or from our neighbor across the street.

The first time our 1st grade neighbor said "Hey Todd" we both fell out laughing...and then Todd said "Um, it would make me feel better if you said Mr. Todd or Mr. W. Would that be okay?" "Sure Todd."

I have never thought of myself as old-fashioned and I still don't think I am, but there's something about kids calling adults by their first names that really bugs me. Is it too much trouble for you to teach your kids to use respect when addressing adults? At age 6 you are not my peer...I've got a few years on you.


Mom2Girls said...

Haha Ya I TOTALLY agree. We finally got our group of kids on the right took a while though.

Roban said...

I agree, although I had never heard of the Miss (first name) until a few years ago while working at a university. Now, as a teacher, there's a 6th-grader that I've known outside of school who calls me Miss Roban at school. I'm guessing that in two years her classmates will have caught on!
