Sunday, December 30, 2007

What do you want for dinner?

That was the question that was posed to TK last night. What do you want for dinner? It was kind of a leftover, clean out the fridge night from Christmas and this last lazy week of being home from work and school.

He rode his scooter from the den to the kitchen to tell me "casserole". Todd and I looked at each other like WHAT? This kid is the picky eater of the century and most casseroles are not for the faint of heart or picky of stomach... So I asked again to make sure and he said again "casserole". So Todd opens the fridge and takes out 3 bowls and says "Okay, this casserole or this casserole or this casserole?" TK says "Not any of those. Those are not casseroles." Todd says "Yes, a casserole is a mixture of foods in one pan and baked." (haha) and TK says "No, a casserole is when you take something and it's rolled up like an armadillo and the ends are curled and it's in the oven - that's a casserole".

" mean Crescent Rolls?"

"Yes, that's what I want."

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