Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Fix me a chicken pot pie!

Every 2nd Sunday I make the world's longest grocery and errand run and I hate it. Nothing puts me in a worse mood than spending the day grocery shopping. It's not fun alone and it's not fun with kids. It always works out that as soon as I get home everyone else needs to get somewhere so I end up putting everything away also.

This past weekend I was hurrying home so that Todd could get Tiki to a friend birthday at Peter Piper. As soon as I walked in Tiki started asking for a snack, something to drink and help getting his shoes on. I got the snack moving, got a drink moving and started working on the shoes. I thought I was doing pretty well multi-tasking and all. TK had other ideas...

"Mommy, you're like a maid. You just do everything we tell you."

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Overheard at my house...

"Fire in the home!"

"What did you say? Was that 'fire in the home'?"


"Well, actually it's 'fire in the hole' - not home"

"Oh. Well mommy you can just say it your way and I'll say 'fire in the home'"

Friday, March 14, 2008

It's the damndest thing

But I took TK to school yesterday dressed in khaki cargos, Spider man short sleeved t-shirt, white socks and tan Skeechers. Like a normal 5 year old.

When I went back at 5:30 pm he was wearing same Spider man short sleeved t-shirt, white socks, tan Skeechers - but now the khaki cargos had been replaced...with swim trunks with sharks on them.

"What happened to your clothes?"

"I had a water toot"

I almost bit holes in my cheeks to keep from laughing - because that would not have been nice.

So we get home and I ask him to go change so that I can wash the strangers swim trunks that he had to wear since I suck too much to have provided a suitable change of clothes at preschool.

He says to me "Why do you have to wash them - I didn't water toot in these?"

KIDS ROCK!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

After seeing the list

of the 2008 Weblog Award Winners I have decided to add two new links for the sake of perpetuating the hilarity...

Overheard in New York


I Can Has Cheezburger


"Who is Baram Obacka?"


"Who is Baram Obacka? The guy they just said on the radio?"

"Oh. Ha ha...I guess he's prenidate for candsident."

"What did you say?"


Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I have never joined in the "Oh Monday - I hate Monday's, etc" crowd. Monday is just another day of the week for me. Yes, perhaps a little more stressful and unorganized in the mornings because there's more to go in the car than the rest of the days of the week. But really - it's just Monday. Today you might find me humming a different tune...

Our day started at 7:00 am. Early, you say? On a Saturday, yes, but on a weekday when the alarm went off at 5:24 am...no sir.

Got up, got ready, got the kids ready and everyone left the house. On the way to preschool Tiki starts complaining that when he's taken in first it's not fair because TC gets to "spend more time with me". A valid complaint if you consider facing backwards with no ability to communicate "spending time together"...

Drop off went just fine. I get back in the car and head up the hill to TC's daycare. On the way down aforementioned hill, there is a motorcycle cop. He got me. Not only did he get me but after he pulled from the tricky spot, we caught a red light. So I had to sit there at the red light, both of us knowing that it was me. I did not like that prolonged agony! He was nice - and I keep saying that - like you wouldn't be nice if you were making your quota. He gave me some blah, blah, blah, fatalities on this road, blah, blah, blah, really cracking down, blah, blah, blah, tell your friends. So while he's doing the actual writing of the ticket I hear a wretching sound coming from the backseat. I leap out and the cop is like "What are you doing lady? Get back in your car! Ma'am get back in your vehicle". I opened the back door and there's TC smiling bright, covered with vomit. I know you have to be asking the same thing I am - WTH - why is your child always vomiting? Well, this time friends, I have an answer. Evidently the little cardboard boxes for Orbit gum are NOT good teething toys as someone else in my house thought and cardboard chunks fall into that ubiquitous "choker" category for babies zero to evelentyhundred months old. The cop felt no pity and gave me the ticket anyway, adding "You seem like you are in a hurry so I'll do my best to get you out of here quickly..." Ba wha?

I then realize that I'm not sure what possible changes of clothes my daycare provider might have for TC so I have to go BACK home and get another change of clothes for TC. Time on the clock 9:00 am - still in my town...

It is then that I realize I have a 9:00 am conference call. I don't have the number in front of me so there is not much I can do except wait until they call me. And when they did I just opened the phone and said "No speaka English" and hung up. It's not like I could have participated with all that going on.

I finally get to work about 9:45 am. The day is flying by until around 1:30 when I get a call that says "You don't happen to have my bank card do you?" Daaaannnng. Is this for real? Todd is at work with no lunch and no money. So I drive down to his work and buy us a sandwich.

I finally leave work around 5:15 pm - RACE to the daycare to avoid the late fees, get both kids, scream home with visions of 6:30 pm bath and bed for them and a drink for me...

But what actually happened was Tiki and friends in our sandbox until 7:30 pm. Bath for TK and PBJ around 8:00 pm and finally kids to bed.

And that whole time...

It was raining.

Because sometimes only one leg is cold


This really happened...

Snow. Two days. In the same week. In Tejas.

Day 1...happened while we slept



And that required playing

And Day 2 happened in the afternoon!


Monday, March 3, 2008


My mom's surgery was a success. The doctor indicated that her neck is just "bad", but that this surgery should do the trick. She was in quite a bit of pain in recovery and wasn't feeling that great, but I guess you wouldn't be if you had your esophagus moved to the side...that's just the part I can't get over. I stayed until she got into her regular room and was able to talk with her. She was doing the "morphine routine". That means you say something crazy and then when the regular person starts to respond you fall asleep. Hilarious!

Teeks agreed to offer up a prayer for Nan in the car and his first offering was "Dear God, thank you for Nan's surgery". After a chuckle, we tried again "Dear God, please be...wi- what do I say next mommy?" "Dear God, please be with Nan and...what's next?" We finally got the whole prayer out and it was a winner!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Two things

I am giddy with love for my kids lately. TK aka Tiki aka Teeks is growing in the funniest, sweetest and best kid on the planet. He's a physical comedy force. I think he's a hoot. He, of course, has his moments - like all 5 year olds and lately those moments include him referring to himself in the 3rd person which I truly hate. I made the mistake of letting him know that so now he just does it...for fun...to irritate me.

And TC, affectionately known as Bitty is the cutest baby EVER. Ask anyone that knows him. He's just so cute to me (and us). He has a belly laugh that can't be beat, two big ol' chiclets for top teeth and my dad's hair pattern and all those things add up to FREAKIN' CUTE! Tiki is a seriously gifted older brother. He's so good to Bitty and is constantly paying sweet attention to him.

Now to the second thing, brave Paulette Hartley is having surgery tomorrow. Paulette Hartley is my nickname for my mom. She's having cadaver bone put in neck. It's actually her second surgery for degenerative disc disease and they will use metal plates and donor bone to relieve the vetebrae that are currently rubbing against one another. Brian, Mara and I are going to hospital tomorrow to keep Ken company for a while. Prayers are always appreciated!

Do you LOVE this girl???

I have this song on my iPod and iTunes and I could listen over and over and over again...and sometimes I do!!!!
