Monday, March 3, 2008


My mom's surgery was a success. The doctor indicated that her neck is just "bad", but that this surgery should do the trick. She was in quite a bit of pain in recovery and wasn't feeling that great, but I guess you wouldn't be if you had your esophagus moved to the side...that's just the part I can't get over. I stayed until she got into her regular room and was able to talk with her. She was doing the "morphine routine". That means you say something crazy and then when the regular person starts to respond you fall asleep. Hilarious!

Teeks agreed to offer up a prayer for Nan in the car and his first offering was "Dear God, thank you for Nan's surgery". After a chuckle, we tried again "Dear God, please be...wi- what do I say next mommy?" "Dear God, please be with Nan and...what's next?" We finally got the whole prayer out and it was a winner!

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