TK: "Mommy, it's splash day"
Me: "Oh no, it sure looks like it is and we didn't wear the right clothes, did we?"
TK: "What should we do?"
Me: "I'm not sure, I have to get to my office"
TK: "Well can you just go back home and get my suit?"
What I thought was "Are you kidding me - that's 30 minutes one way - you are just going to have to sit this one out"
What I said was "Well, let me see what I can do"
What I did was - jump in my car, text my boss that I was going to be a few minutes late, speed to the closest 24 hour Wal-Mart, literally JOG in, grab a pair of swim trunks (Clearance for $5), grab a new pair of aqua socks (Clearance for $5, but a size 13 when he needs a 12) and grab a new beach towel (Clearance for $5). Run back to my car, squeal in the preschool parking lot barely missing taking out a few late arrivers and run in the door. His class was in the gym and when he saw me, he RAN for me! I took him to the restroom and helped him change and he was so happy and excited that he could hardly contain himself.
I'm mildly surprised at the things I find myself doing, as a mom, for my kids. Things that, if I heard the stories from someone else, I would react in this way "Oh I would NEVER do that, my child would just have to suck it up" or some other holier than thou parenting phrase. But seeing that EXCITED face and hearing the thanks and happiness made that hectic dash to Wal-Mart all worth it!
New Swim Trunks - $5
New Aquasox - $5
New towel - $5
Being your little boy's hero for one more day...I think you know where I'm going next :-)