Thursday, July 5, 2007

Dilemma of the day

Nothing and everything to do with kiddos

Now that we have decided that two kids are enough - we each have our own to hold in the family photos - it's time to get S-E-R-I-O-U-S about losing this baby weight. It's been 10 weeks and it's really starting to look unsightly. My tailbone still hurts so bad I want to smack someone every time I have to sit on a hard surface, so that's been my excuse for not really throwing myself into physical fitness, but I really want to get this off quickly because, well, I am 35 and we all know what happens when you turn die shortly after.

So, anyway...yesterday on the way home from my parents house we stopped by the new Lifetime Fitness in our neighborhood to check it out since they have great swimming facilities. On the tour, the sales advisor was walking me around the classes upstairs and happened to sidestep me in front of the mirrors and horror of all horrors - I got a glimpse of myself in the dreaded gym mirrors. I could not believe how seriously big I look or am - one or the other or both. I was surprised since my trusty home mirror says to me every day "GIRL - you lost 30 lbs - now you still have about 35 more to go it's true, BUT a size 24 looks good on ya! You gon' be turnin' heads ta-day". And I leave the house feeling remarkably good about myself. :-)

The gym was great. Kyle was kind enough to leave a guest pass at the front desk so that I can go tonight and swim and huff my way through a spinning class (wait for it - NO!) and see if I like the facility- which I'm sure I will (anywhere with 5 dedicated lap lanes is good enough for big mama). So, now just got to find a suit, goggles, cap to protect my highlights (they are all I have right now) and a good, healthy dose of humility to swallow the pain the cellulite causes to the pride and I'm all SET!!!!!

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