Thursday, July 26, 2007

I got my hair did

Yep, I got my hair did. Picture Diane Sawyer, more mullet-ish with some I can't identify this fluff on one side.


It pretty much sucks and it was expensive. My girl, Lauren, who I normally love, really sucked it up this time. I was pretty specific but I think she had her own ideas. Further validating that my life is just a series of one bad hairdo after another. Unfortunately I'm going to have to find someone to fix what she did and that means that it's even going to be shorter. I like short hair, but this sets in motion one of my biggest biggest pet peeves...when women get a "short, easy do" - BLECH!

I will post a real picture when I figure how to capture the true essence of my awesomeness, but for now I leave you with what I wanted...and what I got. Enjoy!

What I wanted (little longer)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

What I got...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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