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TK admitted today that what really "grosses him out" about McDonald's cheeseburgers is the meat...Praise the LORD. We don't have to go back anymore!
You bet. And then some.Patrick Henry Reardon said "Suppose for a moment that God began taking from us the many things for which we have failed to give thanks. Which of our limbs and faculties would be left? Would I still have my hands and my mind? And what about loved ones? If God were to take from me all those persons and things for which I have not given thanks, who or what would be left of me?"What indeed?I have never thought about it quite that way...I don't believe I have ever given thanks that I have legs and am simply able to walk. Or that I have arms and am simply able to hug my children. Or that I have a beating heart and am simply able to live...and love.Despite the challenges of the last year - and believe me there are many - I'm abundantly blessed and more thankful than I have words to express.A few...
I'm thankful to have a husband to weather the challenges with. Both self-inflicted and accidental. :-) It's okay that not everyone gets us and it's okay that sometimes we don't even get us. But we "chose" and I will forever be thankful for that. I'm thankful to have my kids. That seems like a no-brainer but with the recent stuff in Nebraska it makes me realize that some people aren't. My two wild boys make my heart feel warm and whole. Sometimes when I look at them I can't believe I get to raise them. I'm thankful for my amazing parents. They will never know how lucky I feel to have them and to have a relationship with them. My children are blessed to have them for grandparents! I'm thankful for my in-laws. Despite the natural challenges with blending families, I'm grateful to have married into good people that have good hearts. I'm thankful for my extended family - for my grandmothers who keep on trucking, my amazing aunts, uncles and cousins. I'm thankful to be of sound mind and body. I'm thankful to have a roof over my head and food on the table....And mostly, I'm thankful to have a seat on God's train. I'm thankful to just be a passenger.
This is so gross I shouldn't even post it, but then I wouldn't be being true to the purpose of this blog, right?
I have gotten notorious for not bringing my diaper bag into stores during routine errands. I take it to the mall and such, but grocery, Target, Walgreens, no. Too much hassle. Lately, though, I have been questioning this strategy. The little one poops like 7 times per day - not even joking - and it's not scheduled. It's totally random. I'm ALWAYS caught without diapers and thus have to buy diapers and wipes in EVERY store so I can run to the bathroom and change him in order to finish shopping. WHAT-EVER. Will I learn?
Maybe one day, yes, but not yesterday.
We were taking a spin through Toys R Us and the boys were playing on the ride ons and I smelled it.
So, like I always do, I walked over behind Bitty and pulled his pants away just a bit to see if I was right...
I was...and it was steaming. Bleh.P.S. Todd is still so confused as to why I come home with new diapers every single day and my mom and grandmother think I'm an idiot... ;-)
And I'm not saying that in a good way...I put the tree up this weekend. It's fake and it's freakin' huge so I take my time. Anyhoo, I put the tree up and put the decoration totes next to it thinking I would do the decorating over the course of this week.Today, Todd was sick and the little one was under the weather, too so they were both sleeping. TK and I were downstairs and he noticed the decorations."Mommy, let's decorate the tree. I'm going to help you. I'll put every hook on every decoration.""Wow, TK - that's so nice. Thanks."{5 minutes later}"Mommy, turn off that TV and come over here and help me. I'm not doing this all by myself!!!"Nice...
Todd and I both have interviews tomorrow morning. Pray, cross your fingers, "send good vibes" or whatever you do! Anything appreciated :-) **The last time I worked it was hot outside so I actually had to go shopping for something appropriate to wear...AACK.
FYI - I'm taking the word FOC_ off of my blog. Seriously - there are people landing on this blog looking for stuff that sho' nuff ain't here...And for the record, the little one has improved his pronunciation to SHOCKS.
He is so, so funny. He makes me laugh about 100x/day. Saturday was no exception. We had to visit the mall to get his glasses adjusted. The parking lot conversation between he and Todd went like this
"Tell mommy what song we heard in the car today."
"We heard KISS"
"No, remember...letters"
"Oh yeah, we heard ACDC. I love their song 'Dirty Deeds and the Dunder Jeep".
I still have not stopped laughing.
Is an "all the way" hotdog in my own kitchen. Perhaps what made it especially good today is that we found Gus and he's laying in the floor beside the table. It's a good day today.
Yesterday it was pretty chilly when TK and I left for the movie theater. By afternoon it had warmed up considerably...enough to warrant changing into shorts. "Mommy, can I change?""What?""Can I change from these cozy pants? I'm like, SWELTERING!!!!!"Why couldn't he have just said "hot"?
We finally put the brakes on a super busy weekend. I'm exhausted from all my volunteering - something that troubles me greatly should I need to re-enter the workforce any time soon. I don't know how I will survive working an 8 hour day. It's like my body forgot...So, Friday was TK's school "Tigerthon". The kids train for months running and then get pledges and see how many laps they can run. I volunteered to mark shirts for the kindergarten portion and somehow ended up working the entire day!
Saturday we got up early and had breakfast out. I then went with my mom and grandmother to 'Neath the Wreath - lots of walking in bad shoes. As soon as I got home I changed and went back to TK's school for their carnival where once again I ended up in volunteer mode in their class booth. Today, TK and I went to see Madagascar and he had a playdate (at our house) from 3:30 -7:30.
And somehow after all of that, nobody but me is tired...WTH?

But I know the answer.
Got a call from a recruiter today to do a job that I was *MADE* for. It's a long term contract that will become permanent. For a GREAT company. For even GREATER money. Greater money than I've made in my almost 15 years of working. I don't have the job - as a matter of fact, we haven't even set an interview time with the HR manager since I'm out of pocket all day tomorrow. But it's exciting nonetheless. The potential is amazing and there's a BIG part of me that's ready to get back in the game for a while.
And then, the little one came up to me with his curly hair, too tight Cozumel t-shirt, rolled up jeans, holding a bag of Wheat Thins and said "cahgee". :-(
That's what I say to the little one in response to his tantrums lately. What are the tantrums from you ask?Oh, not much really. Just the little one climbing on the cubes in front of the fireplace and eating the fake rocks and insulation that are necessary for a gas fireplace.Move the cubes? Oh, yes, I hadn't thought of that. Actually, I did. And TC is smart enough to have figured out how to get them off of the couch and put them back in front of the fireplace. Cut the legs off you say? Yes, perhaps that's next. Or just throwing the cubes in the trash can. Along with candles, flower arrangements, picture frames and pretty much everything else decorative in our house.But, for now I'll keep explaining to him that he can't eat fake rocks and insulation "because I want him to live..."