Sunday, August 31, 2008


Yesterday we headed to Todd's grandmother's house for lunch. About 15 minutes into the trip TK asked if we were dropping him off at school. I told him school was closed on Saturday and Sunday and he was mad. And by mad I mean mad. Mad enough to say that closing school was the "stupidest idea in the world". I couldn't help but be a little envious of that enthusiasm... and a little sad knowing he will be just another jaded, cynical kid this time next year. :-)


Mom2Girls said...

Awww - too cute - too bad you couldn't record that for future use ;) Hope his opinion of school stays that way for a looong time!!

carrhop said...

So cute!

Debra Owen said...

That's sweet. Hopefully it'll last longer than just a year... through 1st grade perhaps?