Tuesday, August 19, 2008

T minus 3 and counting

In just 3 short days we will be gearing up for the first day of school! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! TK's teacher called today to introduce herself. I didn't speak with her, but Todd did and said she sounds nice, excited and competent. PERFECT. TK can suck that right out of her in the first week. KIDDING! Seriously, kidding :-)

Actually I went upstairs to tell him that we now *know* his teacher's name and he asked what it was and I told him "Mrs. ______". He pondered that and rolled it around his mouth for a second. Then repeated it and said "Well, I bet she's pretty."

I'm impressed that he got that from just her name...

1 comment:

Mom2Girls said...

Aww he's gonna love it!! We are still 14 days away and getting more and more nervous!! I bet TK will do great!! GL momma!