Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Um, it’s time to engage

I hear this a lot, but seems like I rarely get to say it.

Today I did. And the satisfaction I expected was not to be found.


This week T1 is home with both kids. Alone. (Picture my eyes the size of small dinner plates and we’re on the same page!)

Anyway, I had an appt Monday morning before work. My plan was to dress comfortably since I would need x-rays and then after the appointment I would stop back by the house and change clothes and then head to work – that should take 10 minutes…tops…

I walked in through the laundry room to find T1 and T3 at the computer desk rummaging through the bags of “get rid of” toys – picking out stuff they wanted to keep?!? Ahem, those are discards that we all agreed on. They wanted to keep so much that TWO full bags turned into ONE half bag. WTH?

I say my peace and leave off to find T4. He’s laying across the ottoman with gum in his fingers seeing if it will stick to the green chenille. Meanwhile, T3 heads upstairs and I get T4 into the kitchen on the “snack spot” with his gum – just in time for him to swallow it and ask for more.As I head upstairs to change (20 minutes into the 10 minute stop) I see T3 walking past the stairs with no shirt. I ask him where his shirt is and he replies “It sort of has gum on it”. WHAT, WHAT, WHAT?

On the way to yell at him I see gum on the hall wall (excellent). He brings me his shirt and there is gum on the back…inside. How the heck did you do that??? He walks away and there is gum all over his back. WTH?It turns out he had the gum (as recommended by his dentist) and then decided that he wanted some Cheezits. He *knew* that he would need the gum to chew again after eating the sticky Cheezits so he STUCK THE GUM TO HIS BACK TO SAVE IT JUST LIKE HE’D SEEN IT DONE IN WILLIE WONKA…

Why Lord? Oh because I was bad as a kid? Yes, I remember that. Okay thanks.

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