Sunday, February 3, 2008

I struggle for an accurate description

I am struggling for an accurate description of what it's like to have a 9 month old, 4 year old and 38 year old (all males) with a stomach bug that includes vomiting and all other liquid bodily functions the weekend after you have worked yourself crazy, survived on about 5 hours of sleep per night and all in another city. Seriously, the last day in Orlando began with me in the war room at 6:15 am and I finally got back to my room around 11:00 pm. It was a long week...

I have some fun stories from Orlando and Disney adventures with TK, but right now I'm just counting the minutes until this particular day and weekend are officially over...

1 comment:

donna manning said...

We've had it too. Feeling your pain. We had to change Josh's sheets 3 times in one night. Cleaned puke off the couch, out of the carpet. You get the picture. Get well soon.
Love you,